Availability of Foods Containting Genetically Modified Organisms on the Polish Market

  • Elżbieta Biller Institute of Food Technology and Food Service Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Lomza, Poland
  • Maria A. Dębowska Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences (former student) Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW, Warsaw, Poland


The paper presents a list of genetically modified plants which can be used as ingredients of foods. According to the EU legislation, the following genetically modified organisms are admitted in food production: maize, rapeseed, soy, sugar beet and cotton. This is why the paper contains the analysis of the contents of foods available in Poland which can potentially contain these source materials. The research revealed that until 2009, foods with genetically modified organisms could be found on the market. The analysis of the labels on foods sold in two hypermarkets showed that none of the list of ingredients placed on the product labels contained information about the use of genetically modified source materials.

How to Cite
BILLER, Elżbieta; DĘBOWSKA, Maria A.. Availability of Foods Containting Genetically Modified Organisms on the Polish Market. Polish Journal of Applied Sciences, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 66-70, july 2017. ISSN 2451-1544. Available at: <https://pjas.ansl.edu.pl/index.php/pjas/article/view/51>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.19260/PJAS.2016.2.2.06.
Food, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences and Technology