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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Papers submitted for publication should be sent to the Editorial Office as a file prepared in the text editor (acceptable file formats: *.doc or *.docx). They should be single-page typed in Times New Roman (12 points), with the standard margins, with 1.5 line spacing, without justification nor formatting. Indentations should be made by using a tabulator. Articles submitted to Pol. J. Appl. Sci. should be sent via an online platform (LOGIN). If the Author has username and password to sign in on the website of Pol. J. Appl. Sci., please go to SIGN IN, in the other case, please go to REGISTRATION. Registration and signing in are prerequisite to submitting texts and tracking their current status.

    In a special cases article may be submitted via e-mail address: pjas@pwsip.edu.pl.
  • Title page with author/s details is sent separately.
  • Blinded manuscript is sent without the author/s details (blinded manuscript). The main body of the paper (including the references, figures, tables and any acknowledgements) should not include any identifying information, such as the authors' names or affiliations.
  • Authors transfer the ownership of copyright to the Polish Journal of Applied Sciences should their work be published in this journal.
    Authors state that the article is original, has not been submitted for publication in other journals and has not already been published except in abstract form, preliminary reportor thesis.
    Authors state that they are responsible for the research that they have carried out and designed; that they have participated in drafting and revising the manuscript submitted, which they approve in its contents.
    Authors also state that the reported article (if it involves human experiments) has been approved by the appropriate ethical committee and was undertaken incompliance with The Helsinki Declaration.
  • I have read and agree to the terms of License Document (http://pjas.ansl.edu.pl/public/site/files/pjas_articles_license.pdf)

Author Guidelines

Double-blind review. Pol. J. Appl. Sci. uses double-blind review, which means the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.
The following should be sent separately: Title page and blinded manuscript (no author details). The main body of the paper (including the references, figures, tables and any acknowledgements) should not include any identifying information, such as the authors' names or affiliations.

Title page.The title page should contain: title of the paper, first and last names of authors with affiliation, first and last name of corresponding author with postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail.

Abstract (up to 250 characters) consisting of the following sections: introduction (justification and aim of the study), material and methods, results, conclusions as well as 3-5 key words, should be provided before the body text.

In articles  the text should follow in a logical sequence and headings of its particular sections should reflect issues discussed therein.

Literature - should be restricted only to works quoted in the text and connected directly with the topic of the study. They should be presented in the order, in which they are cited in the text. In quoting them in the text only their respective number from the list of Literature should be given in parentheses. References quoted in tables and figures are to be included in the list of Literature. Non-published works should be avoided. References should include upto-day world literature. Manuals may be quoted, but only exceptionally. When there are six or less authors, list all of them; when there are seven or more, list the first six and add: et al. If an article is not in English, authors should translate the title into English and enclose the language of translation in square brackets. Do not translate the title of the journal or the name of a publishing house. The authors’ names and the title of the article written in Cyrillic alphabet should be transcripted in Latin. Referring for articles published in electronic form is admissible.


Journal Article
Agrawal R., Aggarwal C.C, Prasad V.V.V. A tree projection algorithm for generation of frequent itemsets. Journal of Parallel and Distributted Computing, 61: 350-371, 2001.

Proceedings from a conference
Guralnik V., Wijesekera D. Pattern directed mining of sequence data, In 4th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, N. Y., USA: New York University, 27-31 August 1998, 51-57.

Dallen J.T., Boyd T.S., Tansey R.G. Heritage tourism (1st edition). Academic Press, N.Y., USA, 41-48, 2005.

Book chapter or article in an edited book
McPerson R., Spiller G.A.,  Handbook of lipids in human nutrition, chapter Effects of dietary fatty acids and cholesterol on cardiovascular risk factor in man, pages 40-41, CRC Press, 1996.

Doctoral Thesis
Dominik M., Estimating the coalescence rate of double compact objects – perspectives for gravitational wave detection. Doctoral Thesis, Warsaw University 2014

Government publication
Ministry of Science and Higher Education;  Ordinance on higher education and academic degrees. Warsaw, Journal of Laws, No. 135, item 1516, 2006 [in Polish]

Tables – should be prepared on separate pages (saved in separate files) and numbered using subsequent Arabic letters. They should be provided with titles (above). Every column in a table should have a brief heading and more extensive explanation should be given under the table, e.g. statistical measures of variability.

Figures – should be prepared in an electronic form and saved in separate files. Photographs or other illustrative materials may be submitted in an electronic form (*.tif, *.jpg, image resolution: 300 or 600 dpi) or any other form suitable for final technical typesetting by the Editorial Office.
In the appropriate places in the text consecutive numbers of tables or figures should be provided in parentheses, e.g. (Table 1) or (Fig. 1). Places of insertion of the illustrative material should be marked with pencil on the margin of the typescript.

General principles – the Editorial Office reserves for itself the right to correct stylistic errors and to make necessary changes (abridgements) in the text without Author’s knowledge. Articles not accepted for publication are not returned. Manuscripts not prepared following Instructions to Authors will be sent back to Authors for revision. Galley proofs of manuscripts will be sent to Authors for proofreading. It is the Author’s responsibility to return the proof within one week. Each Author will receive free-of-charge one copy of the issue in which their work appears.
Manuscripts are liable to copyright resulting from the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and from the Universal Copyright Convention. Any part of the manuscript may be reproduced, archived or transferred in any form without consent of the copyright owner.