The Influence of the Presence of Carbohydrates in the Diet and the Condition of the Skin

  • Wiktoria Jakacka
  • Małgorzata Knaś-Dawidziuk University of Lomza


Carbohydrates, or sugars, are an important element of the diet because they provide cells with the energy they need to function. Their sources are fruits, vegetables, cereal products, milk and sweets. Consuming too much sugar in the diet can undoubtedly lead to diseases such as diabetes, overweight or obesity. Carbohydrates consumed in the diet are one of the main nutrients, they provide approximately 75% of the energy requirement from food. Everyone would like their skin to always look good and have as few skin-related problems as possible. Many people do not realize how important the impact carbohydrates have on human skin.

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of carbohydrates consumed with food by students from the Lomza University of Applied Sciences on the condition of their skin.

80 students from the Lomza University of Applied Sciences were qualified for the study.

The following research methods were used:

  1. assessment of the subjects' body composition - performed using the InBody 770 body composition analyzer,

  2. assessment of carbohydrate intake using a food diary completed by students - data prepared using the Diet 5 program,

  3. diagnostic survey method using an original questionnaire developed by the author, which was used to assess students' knowledge regarding the impact of food on the condition of the skin.

The obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis using non-patametric U-Mann-Whitney tests and Spearman correlation.


  1. Students are quite aware of the principles of proper nutrition and most of them apply these principles in everyday life.

  2. Students know and see that their carbohydrate-rich diet can affect their skin condition.

How to Cite
JAKACKA, Wiktoria; KNAŚ-DAWIDZIUK, Małgorzata. The Influence of the Presence of Carbohydrates in the Diet and the Condition of the Skin. Polish Journal of Applied Sciences, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 5 - 8, jan. 2024. ISSN 2451-1544. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 may 2024. doi:
Public Health